Monday 24 September 2007

Some dictionary definitions

  1. holding firmly to something.
  2. persisting in existence or in a course of action.
  1. the ability to do something that frightens one.
  2. strength in the face of pain or grie
  • have the courage of one’s convictions act on one’s beliefs despite danger or disapproval.
  • take one’s courage in both hands nerve oneself to do something that frightens one.

  1. the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.
  2. the process by which a person controls their own life.

  1. firmness of purpose; resolutenesss.
  2. the action or process of determining.


  1. sturdy or resilient.
  2. strong and healthy.
  3. uncompromising and forceful; not subtle: a robust defence.
  4. (of wine or food) strong and rich in flavour or smell.

  1. firmly fixed, supported, or balanced.
  2. not faltering or wavering; controlled.
  3. sensible and reliable.
  4. regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.
  1. make or become steady.

  1. an even distribution of weight ensuring stability.
  2. mental or emotional stability.
  3. a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
  4. an apparatus for weighing, especially one with a beam and central pivot.
  5. a preponderance: the balance of opinion was that work was important.
  6. a figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account.


  1. be or put in a steady position.
  2. compare the value of (one thing) with another.
  3. establish equal or appropriate proportions of elements in.

  1. the ability to do something or act in a particular way.
  2. the capacity to influence other people or the course of events.
  3. a right or authority given or delegated to a person or body.
  4. political authority or control.
  5. physical strength or force.
  6. a country viewed in terms of its international influence and military strength: a world power.
  7. capacity or performance of an engine or other device.
  8. energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means.
  9. Physics the rate of doing work, measured in watts or horse power.
  10. Mathematics the product obtained when a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times.
  1. a part of a plant normally below ground, which acts as a support and collects water and nourishment.
  2. the embedded part of a bodily organ or structure such as a hair.
  3. (also root vegetable) a turnip, carrot, or other vegetable which grows as the root of a plant.
  4. the basic cause, source, or origin: money is the root of all evil.
  5. (roots) family, ethnic, or cultural origins.
  6. (also root note) Music the fundamental note of a chord.
  7. Linguistics a form from which words have been made by the addition of prefixes or suffixes or by other modification.
  8. Mathematics a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself one or more times gives a specified number or quantity.


  1. cause (a plant or cutting) to establish roots.
  2. (usu. be rooted) establish deeply and firmly.
  3. (be rooted in) have as a source or origin.
  4. (be rooted) stand immobile through fear or amazement.
  5. (root out/up) find and get rid of.
  6. Austral./NZ & Irish vulgar slang have sexual intercourse with.
  1. the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
  2. the action of nourishing.


  1. the quality or state of being strong.
  2. good or beneficial quality or attribute.
  3. literary a source of mental or emotional support.
  4. the number of people comprising a group.
  5. a full complement of people: 100 staff below strength.


  • go from strength to strength progress with increasing success.
  • in strength in large numbers.
  • on the strength of on the basis or with the justification of.
  • tower (or pillar) of strength a person who can be relied upon to support and comfort others.
  1. firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.
  2. strongly built or made.
  3. not hollow or having spaces or gaps.
  4. consisting of the same substance throughout.
  5. (of time) continuous.
  6. able to be relied on; dependable or sound.
  7. Geometry three-dimensional.


  • a solid substance or object.
  • (solids) food that is not liquid.
  • a three-dimensional body or geometric figure.
  1. the hard mineral material of the earth’s crust, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil.
  2. a mass of rock projecting out of the ground or water.
  3. a boulder.
  4. Geology any natural material with a distinctive composition of minerals.
  5. Brit. a kind of hard confectionery in the form of cylindrical peppermint-flavoured sticks.
  6. informal a diamond or other precious stone.
  1. a town or city with a harbour.
  2. a harbour.
  3. harbour


  1. a place on the coast where ships may moor in she

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