Friday 21 September 2007

Last Night - Giving up guilt and living every moment

Yesterday I had too much work todo and I decided to go out anyway even though I did at the start feel a little bit guilty.

What I am getting is that life is a journey to be savoured moment by moment. When one is dancing, one is completly there. I don't know what is going to happen next.

Incidently I went out to dance salsa last night one of my favourite passions.

I had great fun, and intended to be around one particular woman, although she was there and we hung out a bit, danced and had fun I really did not spend much time with her. I think she's great and it's early days, she knows that I went out of my way to see her, lets see if she responds, and develops her feelings !! If she doesn't then there will be plenty of other nice ladies to spend my time with !! What is important is selecting a good one rather than one that could cause trouble and heartache. There really is no scarcity !!

It really works to travel first class and do whatever one wants, ot develops a richness to life. I am going to book into the salsa congresses that I want to book into and make this work.

We only know that we are here once. It is time to start living !

I'm not going to feel guilty for doing the wrong thing or not doing the right thing anymore, I have inherited this from one of my parents.

I am giving up guilt and going to make every moment count.

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