Monday 17 September 2007

Reoccuring racquets today

Woke up this morning and I started running my favourite racquets (for the definition of a raquet see post bellow), not a great start to the day.

I have been running these raquets for a while they are
  1. If only the business is left alone (I am convinced that an ex employee is intent on causing sabotage) to get on with itself we can make progress.
  2. Because I'm not making enough money I am not a good bet for a new girlfriend, I'm not a secure and stable guy that can keep a family.
  3. There is too much to do and I don't want to work for 14 hours today
  4. Because of recent business problems no one will ever trust us again despite all the good work we do and it's hopeless.
  5. I'm a loser nobody will ever want me.
  6. I was unjustly treated (contet of a local networking group).
These racquets are really demotivating me and I am determined to stop giving them time and turn them around into positive energy filled afirmations.

I obviously would like to work these out now but I'm at work so I really need to look at these later.

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