Saturday 15 September 2007

the 3 types of intelligence

Just been reading about the 3 different types of intelligence.

Interesting to note that all animals have physical intelligence, many mammals have emotional intelligence, very few have logical intelligence, possibly only humans and apes. The arguement extends to state that we have evolved through physical intelligence into emotional and now into logical. It is also reasonable to assume that into the future more emphasis will be placed on the logical intelligence.

Logical can involve processing and is largly proactive, physical and emotional are largly reactive.

There is also an arguement that states that most of our actions/decisions are based in the physical or emotional intelligence. We often however use backwards rationalization whereupon one comes to a logical conclusion in ones brain based on ones emotional state, therefore rationalizing emotional choices with logical reasoning.

Much of the time therefore we make decisions based on our emotions rather than our logical brains but we then back this up with logic. To verify to ourselves why we made the emotional decision and to validate that decision to others.

Of course the new car was a lot safer than the old one, but the fact it is more prestigous, larger, shows me to be more powerful had nothing to do with it....honestly !!! A clear case of justifying an emotional decision in the logical world (for anyone that knows me it' not the current car I'm talking about but the one before ;-) .

Now when I think back to times when I was at my most stable and proactive (the optimum rock moments) I think I have had very strong logical thinking powers, able to make sound judgements based on a clear head. The trouble is I think often I have been soooo logical I have not paid too much attention to my emotions which are also very powerful.

To perform at one's optimum I think we need every intelligence to be working well
  • physical
  • emotional
  • logical
Maslows hierarchy of needs are

Now one might also say that each intelligence spans several of the hierarchies
  • Physical - the physiological and some of the security needs
  • Emotional - security to esteem needs
  • Logical - experience and purpose through to self actualisation needs
Therefore in common with the hierarchy which suggests that people progress through the needs and where lower needs are missing it could be that decision making matches the need that is being fullfilled.

Therefore to have great emotional and logical intelligence it probably helps to have many of the logical and emotional needs to be fullfilled.

I think I'll be looking at Maslows needs again pretty soon but that's all for now.

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