Sunday 16 September 2007

It's a Sunday ! All work and no play !

Ok, today i'm fighting my usual battle with myself that I often have on Saturdays and Sundays, so I'm writing about it so that I can understand more about it, get clear about it and stop battling with myself, procrastinating and ending up neither
  • enjoying a day off
  • accomplishing a great amount of work
What I really want is to have two or at least 1.5 days off every week, so I could stay in denial about it or I could just make it happen.

Time to start living I think

Come to think of it I don't think I'm very productive right now. I'm working far too many hours and probably the wrong hours.

I think I'm most productive on 7 hours sleep and I think if I adopt a pattern of going to bed before 11:30pm and getting up at about 6:30 that will really work.

I also want to make sure the house is tidy by 9:00pm each night and everything prepared or planned for the next day. I am committed to living a proactive life with a large dose of quality.

So why am i working all these hours ?

I really do not know why I'm working all these hours, I think a lot of it is fear based and also maybe its a substitute for something or I am trying to prove something (probably to myself), whatever it is I think if a lighten up a bit I will probably find myself more productive and profitable.

I do know one thing it is stopping me from persuing what I love most about life and that is relationships. This includes connections with friends and associates and also a primary relatonship.

I think it's partly because I have so much pain associated with recent relationships that I am not persuing them and thus filling in / compensating with work and then being in denial about what I really want

So that's it, more on the path of becoming a rock.

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