Sunday 16 September 2007

Being a Rock at Salsa

Ok went to salsa last night had lots of fun playing in my dance and found myself to be very grounded.

Talked to more people than usual and really feel that I am becoming part of a community.

One thing happened when dancing with this one particular woman, one that I quite like romantically, is that i chose to start being the rock. I discovered a new sense of power, becoming very supportive, protective of my partner in the dance, while this is not new I usually reserve this sort of behaviour for girlfriends rather than potential girlfriends. She responded very positively to this by throwing herself into my arms, I am sure was having fun and romance as well. I really do hope things will develop.

Although I sort of feel a little crazy for not taking her number, and beat myself up a little. Its ok I'm sure things will work out.

Watch this space !!

What was missing

There was one thing missing from me last night however and it was a little lack of emotion. I put it down to a little bit of burn out (working too hard). What I commit to is getting myself emotionally stable and that means looking after my physiology and my sleep.

Mental note
  • What does a man rock behave around family, friends, work, home etc
  • model these behaviours, find suitable role models, use NLP to duplicate the behaviours
  • what do i need to become physically and emotionally more stable, afterall this is the platform for which all logical decisions are based.

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