Sunday 16 September 2007

The Always Behind with the Work Dilema

This coupled with "must do an excellent job" are robbing my business of both profitability and enjoyment.

Seems I'm always struggling to catch up and often being reactive rather than proactive.

This is the reason I'm often working in the evenings and the weekends.

I'm not happy about this.

The "Doing an excellent job" is great but right now there is little time to do it and many customers expect it yet are not prepared to pay for it, I sort of give it to them anyone. I say to myself we will work out a way of delivering excellent solutions at a good price but always seem to spend too much time on the job so that it is not profitable.

While the excellence approach is good for the business longterm it makes the business like running a marathon but with few carrots on the way as rewards.

The +ve side is though I love doing an excellent job and feel proud of my accomplishments in this regard.

So it's a dilema, I need to talk to my business partner to understand it better and come to a happy medium.

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