Wednesday 19 September 2007

Same old issues

I had a pretty productive day yesterday but it was not good enough, I really need to make a shift in the work.

As a result, my glass was half empty and I stayed up way to late (of course not producing) and I am now tired this morning and there is sooo much to do.

I dare not speak to some of my customers in case I get diverted onto other topics or do not finish what I have started today.

I'm big time racqueting again also, with the continual statements which are familar and go something like this.

It's all hopeless, if only we could be left to make the business a success without being setup, I should be doing something else, I could have a great life if employed or self employed and then we can make it work OR just keep going, get through this difficult bit etc.

I then thought about just simply choosing to do whatever it takes to get this going, and to be honest I'm finding it really difficult to do this, but in writing this I can see that I can choose for today to be 100% committed.

Other progress, I made some progress on my flat, it's a little more organised but I did not keep present to what I wanted to achieve yesterday. I will restate what I want to achieve today.

I feel tired this morning, I think a lot of this is worry and weight from thought rather than lack of sleep or physiology. Although I will make sure I drink a good amount of water today.

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