Wednesday 19 September 2007

Setting up today so that it really works

I went for an extra-ordinary day yeseterday and it didn't work. Some things shifted but not what i would call extra-ordinary.

I'm very tempted to reset today with smaller expectations than yesterday, sort of it hurts to much when I fail syndrome and hence work today that way and thus the title of this post.

But a strange thing is happening, as I write this post, I am thinking that I'm not going to settle for second best today, I'm going to go for it again today and play to get so much complete.

It means I must main my focus and a very positive attitude.

Afterall don't they say attitude determines altitude.

So today I will work until 9:30pm on the business and then have my food.
From 9:30pm I will work on the flat through to 11:30pm and then I will be in bed on time. getting up my energy for a superb day tomorrow.

Today is now going to be superb, a few moments ago it was not looking good. Blogging is very powerful.

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