Sunday 16 December 2007

Posting on being a victim

Ok, I'm coming back to this blog.

I'm in victim mode again today and what I believe is the more I think of being a victim the more I am. I could analyse and get more information about this and about my interactions with all these people / situations that I have been a victim around.

Ok so not only am i thinking this its got me and my head is a confused muddle, can you make sense of the action in the above paragraph. It's just a stab at solving the problem, not a very considered and grounded stab. Really, I've just been in a sort of desperate fix it mode.

Now lets clear..
  1. I am not in the past, i'm not the future, I'm just in the present.
  2. i am only a victim because I allow it
  3. I need to work on the triggers and how i get activated into this confused state
  4. it will prob be very difficult and very emotional to work through all of this in one go i.e: work through all the transactions that make this happen, on each person ... one at a time
  5. I need to acknowledge that ... I am scared of myself and how I will confront these transactions knowing what i know. I am essentially afraid of triggering myself in these situations and therefore in avoidence of various situations and people
  6. I could do with coping mechanisms and tactics for (5)
  7. I could do with grounding myself with stronger roots for (5)
  8. I will get very strong very soon, I am the rock
  1. I need to work on the triggers and how i get activated into this confused state
  2. Do a little every day on transactions and people
  3. Work and develop strategies, coping and reprogramming for this
  4. Keep a victim journal
  5. listen to wayne dyers "Pulling Your Own Strings"


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