Friday 6 June 2008

Work from Dr Demartini

Wow have I learned today or what I have made tremendous progress.

I have learned about myths of relationships and the laws of love and inspiration and also started about giving up fantasy to aim for fulfillment in my relationships.

Its been an amazing day

The law of inspiration is really about constantly being inspired in the face of difficulties. We can be grateful for our adversities to as they teach as things in life and enable growth and strength. They build the muscle.

again its been an amazing day

the law of love is that i am worthy of love no matter what i have done and not done and that love is all around us.

the myths that so often govern relationship choices have been busted.

And the fantasy of trying to have somebody act in the way that you project them to act is really coming to light as well

Its been an amazing day ..for the third time !!!

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