Monday 9 June 2008

This Weekend Breakthroughs

I had a couple of breakthroughs this weekend. The first one was that I discovered that I had lost my excitement and passion for the business and also for most of the things in my life. In every instance I can see that this is because of my own fear, guilt, depression, upset, rejection coupled with deception and manipulation by others.

Now I understand that I am responsible for managing my own states of passion and excitement and part of this has to be preventing or putting in process for:

a) self generation of excitement and passion
b) listen to what the fear, guilt, depression, upset is telling me and then look at taking action to remove this feelling
b) protection from deception and manipulation by others.
c) well meaning but negative comment from others

I have no idea how to do this yet but just wait and see I will master all of this.

The second breakthrough came from a breakdown. After reading the first chapter of John Demartinis book I realised how much my life was in disarray, I have recently moved house and a lot of stuff is messy and stuff is out of place. So I need to get everything ordered again.

This will provide clarity of thought and space to move forwards.

2nd day in the Gymn

Went to the gymn this morning and I feel so much more alive and focused. Sat on my new seat outside in the sun and wrote my list for today.

Suddenly everything is possible again and the passion and excitement are coming back into my life.

Move forwards - Acceptance and love

My thought for today is accepting, loving, appreciating others can bring acceptance, love and appreciation in return. Sort of what you give you get.

Friday 6 June 2008

New inspirations

Today I already feel so much more powerful, I believe I will have no problem creating a winning business and I know what I want to do.

I have everything I need

My only concern is cashflow to get the business started.

I need to look at this, get my house in order and move forwards.

My self sacrifice and selflessness

Ok i have this tthing where i am big time self sacrificing and being selflessness .

It has cost me a fortune in cash and heartache and time and resentment

Other people probably feel guilty or unwoorthy of this ervice

And I am stuick in the patterns of this.

I need to work out how to get out of this pattern from several relationships!!!

Work from Dr Demartini

Wow have I learned today or what I have made tremendous progress.

I have learned about myths of relationships and the laws of love and inspiration and also started about giving up fantasy to aim for fulfillment in my relationships.

Its been an amazing day

The law of inspiration is really about constantly being inspired in the face of difficulties. We can be grateful for our adversities to as they teach as things in life and enable growth and strength. They build the muscle.

again its been an amazing day

the law of love is that i am worthy of love no matter what i have done and not done and that love is all around us.

the myths that so often govern relationship choices have been busted.

And the fantasy of trying to have somebody act in the way that you project them to act is really coming to light as well

Its been an amazing day ..for the third time !!!

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Inauthenticities from Internet dating

I have created a great profile marketing myself but it does not tell the whole story.

It misses on the nitty gritty stuff, I need a good powerful way of communicating this in authentic way so that my dates are clear from any inauthenticities so there is a space for fun and romance to occur.

Need to work on this with Ahmed asap.